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Interview with Johnson Joute

Johnson Joute


We keep going on with our monthly staff interviews. We hope you have been enjoying them so far. This time, we are extremely grateful to be able to present you another one by a really special person. Please get ready to read Johnson’s interview below!

  1. What is your position with For One Life? (Name and position and a brief description).

Ans:    I work as a project coordinator. I look after a number of projects, including the Green House Project, Widow’s Aid program, and Happiness Home (one of our partner projects.)

  1. What is your daily task?

Ans:    I am involved with the Widow Aid Project, in which we provide job opportunities to the widows of different communities by allowing them to work at the Green House. And also, I still make Pizza occasionally at the Life Cafe.

  1. How did you start working for For One Life? (Briefly describe how you came to know about the organization and how you start working).

Ans:    Through the Children’s Retreat, I came to know about For One Life through local newspaper.  Life Cafe had just begun by the time I was looking for a job. Since I have a family to support, I asked the leader for a job and they allowed me to work at the Pizza corner. So, I started working by making Pizza at Life Cafe.


Children’s Retreat


  1. From your personal perspective, what are you trying to achieve by doing the work you do?

Ans:  Through the work I do at For One Life, I would like to achieve that many widows will remain blessed. I hope that the poor and the needy people will have more opportunities to make their future better.


  1. What effect has your work/ministry had on the local community?

Ans:    Through the work and ministry that I am involved with right now, people from the local community came to know more about the importance of working as a team and it drew them closer to each other as well as closer to God.

  1. What impact do you hope to see on the community in the future as the result of the work of For One Life?

Ans:    As a result of the work of For One Life in the community, In the near future, the community will witness a great development of the people by using their abilities/talents for the development of the community. I hope to see some growth and personality improvement on the life of the children and young people through the work of For One Life.

  1. Tell a short story about an interaction that you’ve had with a specific person during your work with For One Life?

Ans:    These are messages from some of the women we supported.
“After my husband passed away, We were in a difficult situation, I was struggling for our daily food as I have my children and nephews to support. But God sent For One Life to us, they provided us what we need, they gave me hope and strength to move forward. Through their support, I am able to work and earn some money for me and my family once again.”

“I want to thank God for sending For One Life to us. If it weren’t for the support of For One Life, my kids would not have been able to continue their school. It would have been impossible to support my family without the help of For One Life as they provided us with most of our needs.”


  1. Share a struggle that you face in doing day to day NGO work/ministry?

Ans:    So far, I have not faced any problem or struggle in doing my day to day NGO work and ministry.

  1. How are some ways that other members of the For One Life team encourage and motivate you?

Ans:    To be able to witness that all the team members of For One Life are working with full sincerity, with all their capabilities, with great joy in their daily work encourages and motivated me in a huge way.

  1. How has serving the community changed you personally?

Ans:    Personally I am blessed beyond my expectations. By working for the community has increased my faith and love for God.


  1. What is the biggest joy or blessing that you personally have received because of your work with For One Life?

Ans:    It fulfills my dream by helping the poor and needy people from different communities. It has been my long desire that has been fulfilled. It is a great blessing for me and my family indeed.


  1. In which personal areas do you feel that you need to grow in order to serve the community more effectively?

Ans:    I feel that I need to grow stronger in faith and be more compassionate about the things I do. I also need humility and honesty in order to grow hydra отзывы and serve the community more effectively.


  1. What is your favorite For One Life (besides the one you are currently involved in) and why?

Ans:    My favorite project besides the one I am currently involved in will be the Community Life Center. Because this project will be a great blessing and better development opportunities for the whole community.


We would like to thank Johnson for taking the time to answer all these questions. To conclude, our hope for you is that you may feel as blessed as we feel, when we realize the work that has been achieved. We are excited and looking forward to what’s coming next.


For One Life Team.

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