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Elvin King

Hello, my name is Elvin King and I serve as Chairman and Board member for For
One Life and I’ve been involved with For One Life since 2009.
The connections that I made when traveling to India and seeing the needs firsthand
put a burden on my heart to help wherever I can. There are many reasons that I am
involved but I would say the main reason is my personal experiences in India.
I have traveled to the areas that FOL supports many times and through those visits
and seeing how little these people had was eye-opening. It also did not take long
for them to become like family to me!
It’s the small things in life that we take for granted. I recall the one family we got to
know we provided them with a solar panel to charge their batteries. In these areas,
the power went off shortly after dark. With this tool, they now had light after dark so
the children could do their school homework.
To be able to support a ministry that gives opportunities to people of all ages
whether its garden work for widows, a job at the café or volunteering on the kids
ministry team is exciting!!

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