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Board Member: Sam Esh

Hello, my name is Sam Esh and I have had the pleasure of serving on the board of directors for For One Life since 2017.

Years ago, we were invited to see the Children’s Choir from India. After seeing their show a few times, I was amazed at the behavior and respect of the children, and how well they responded to discipline while showing a desire to learn. This was all because someone gave them an opportunity.

When I was asked to serve on the board and realized what the mission of For One Life was all about, I felt a need to help if I could, even if only in a small way. The part that really stood out to me was the way that For One Life creates opportunity, not only for the children, but adults.

I have never been to India, so I don’t have personal experiences, but I have heard stories of those who have been. I do know what can happen to a community or a country when morals decline, when there is a lack of discipline, work ethics or lack of the teaching of Christianity.

Within a few generations, so much can be lost that it seems almost impossible to get it back. But we know that through God, all things are possible! With the help of those more fortunate and by creating opportunity in various ways, it only takes a few generations until they can become self supportive again. That, I believe, is the missions dn goal of For One Life.

Personally, I believe in the support of local missions and the local community and at the same time appreciate that we have the opportunity to help globally as well.

For One Life offers programs to support widows and to develop skills for future jobs for adults and youth. For One Life works side by side with local churches and organizes events and creates activities so that the community learns to socialize with each other.

I am grateful that I have been able to be a part of this mission.

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