ReClaim-It Home Center
Plans for the ReClaim-It Home Center benefitting For One Life
have taken steps forward since the last newsletter mailed in the
spring. The website,, is nearly
complete and will launch this summer and we have a location in
Gap where we will collect and distribute donations starting this
month. The building is the former McClure’s Bakery at 18
Newport Gap Road (Rt 41). This building will serve as a
warehouse for accepting, cleaning, pricing and listing donations
to prepare for resale. This facility will serve us well as it has a
dock and a large receiving area that is ground level. It also has
offices and storage for For One Life supplies and equipment. We
thank God for providing this affordable and useful space as a
result of relationships with friends and supporters of For One Life!
We have started reaching out to business partners of For One Life for donations of used tools and building
materials. A complete list of what we are looking for will appear on the website as well as customer and donor
pick up and drop off times. We will also be ready to pick up donations as needed. As with any business
various items are needed to get the ball rolling in our new venture. If you can help with any of the items on this
wish list, please contact Michael, Chris, Darcy or Susan via text or email. We would value your support as we
assemble this service that will help to support the projects and activities of For One Life!