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In early October, Hurricane Matthew slammed Haiti, leaving around 1,000 people dead and tens of thousands without homes.

Our ministry partners there, Jason and Amanda Stoltzfus, live in a rural farming community on the southern coast of central Haiti, reaching out to the young people of the area. The crops were completely destroyed, and many of Jason and Amanda’s neighbors lost their homes.

Along with Jason and Amanda, we launched the REBUILD HAITI campaign and were able to rebuild a number of homes in the local community.

A few months ago, Jason discovered a very remote village where 100% of the homes had been destroyed in the hurricane. Very few of the houses had tin roofs before the storm — they were mostly thatch — and the material they used has not grown back yet. Since most of the village houses had no roofs, a helicopter drop was arranged to deliver tarps to the village. But, now a few months later, the tarps are beginning to deteriorate. 

The area gets chilly at night due to the elevation, and it also rains a lot. Many of the people, especially the children, are sick due to the lack of proper shelter. Access to the village is difficult, so there has been almost no aid at all since the hurricane.

Jason and his team will be starting a work project in this village in October. A donor has already agreed to provide 1,000 sheets of tin. We are relaunching the ReBuild Haiti campaign to raise money for the following items:

  • Transportation costs to take teams to the village
  • Food for the groups
  • Tools and equipment needed to rebuild the houses
  • Salary for the local people that are hired to help
  • A portable solar system to charge DeWalt batteries during the project

100% of all money donated will go directly toward this project. Almost a year after the storm, many people are still suffering. With your help, we can bring relief to this village.

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